CSMA Videos

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Welcome to the official YouTube channel of Central States Metal Artisans (CSMA)! We are a vibrant community of skilled artisans dedicated to a range of metal arts. Our members are not just blacksmiths; we are also coppersmiths, tin smiths, welders, and more.

Our channel is a melting pot for all who share a passion for the timeless and transformative art of metalworking. From the hammer and anvil to the welding torch, we explore the many facets of metal artistry. Subscribe now to join our thriving community as we forge ahead in the rich tapestry of metal crafts.

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Explore the art of metalworking through our collection of videos. From beginner's guides to expert demonstrations, our video page offers a wealth of knowledge for enthusiasts at all skill levels. - video, demonstration, live, stream, blacksmithing, coppersmithing, tin smithing, welding, metal art, metal artisans, Central States, CSMA, forging, metalwork, handcrafted, craftsmanship, metal tools, traditional techniques, live demonstrations, how-to tutorials, member spotlights, community, metal crafts, artisans, metalworking, metal projects, club activities, knowledge sharing, skill development, metal fabrication, metal design, welding techniques, metal shaping, metal forming, artistic metalwork, forge, anvil, club membership