CSMA Payments


Dues are $20.00 annually for a Family Membership. A Family Membership covers one or multiple family members from the same household. You may start your membership dues with this button. $20.00 will be billed annually + the transaction fee we are charged (only 91 cents)
Enter your FULL name:

Fuel Fees

Pay Fuel fees here! Use this button to make a one-time payment to cover fuel fees. (A small fee is added to your payment to cover the fee we are charged)

Select number of weeks:

Misc Payments

Send any other amount of money to the club here! We never refuse!!

What is this for?


Support Central States Metal Artisans by making a payment or donation. Your contributions help us continue to offer workshops, demonstrations, and educational opportunities in metal arts. - pay, money, dues, fuel, fee, fees, payments, donate, donation, blacksmithing, coppersmithing, tin smithing, welding, metal art, metal artisans, Central States, CSMA, forging, metalwork, handcrafted, craftsmanship, metal tools, traditional techniques, live demonstrations, how-to tutorials, member spotlights, community, metal crafts, artisans, metalworking, metal projects, club activities, knowledge sharing, skill development, metal fabrication, metal design, welding techniques, metal shaping, metal forming, artistic metalwork, forge, anvil, club membership